Sen. Hagerty: Biden Is Partnering with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s Drug Cartels Against America with End to Title 42

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) said at a press conference on Monday that the Biden administration is teaming up with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s drug cartels against Americans with his decision to end Title 42, a public health order by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from March 2020 that empowered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to expel illegal border crossers.

Lifting Title 42 “creates more incentives for illegal immigration into America and in doing so, they’re essentially partnering with the drug cartels and the Chinese Communist Party who are profiting immensely from this,” Hagerty said.

The senator leveled the accusation at a press conference in his Nashville office Monday during his opening remarks, on the heels of his recent trip to the southern border.

“For the past 15 months, every time I come home to Tennessee, I hear from my friends in law enforcement, I hear from local leaders about the carnage that’s happening right here in Tennessee. The deaths from overdoses from fentanyl that are occurring here,” Sen Hagerty said.

He, along with a group of eight Tennessee Sheriffs and Mayors travelled to Texas to see firsthand the source, he said, of the flood of drugs and crime sweeping the nation and in particular, the Volunteer State.

Joining Senator Hagerty were: Putnam County Sheriff Eddie Ferris, Franklin County Sheriff Tim Fuller, Dyer County Sheriff Jeff Box, Montgomery County Sheriff John Fusen, Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank, Cocke County Mayor Crystal Ottinger, Morgan County Sheriff Wayne Potter, and Anderson County Sheriff Russell Parker.

“We’ve been talking about it happening right here in the middle part of America. We wanted to take our voices to the border where the problem is more immediate, but that’s absolutely the precipitate of what we’ve seen happening here and across the nation,” he said; adding, “In fact, we had 100,000 deaths in America last year due to overdoses from drugs. Most of it is fentanyl. Fentanyl whose precursors are coming from China, shipped to Mexico, and coming across our poorest Southern border, killing kids right here in America.”

Hagerty went on to point out that the connections between the Chinese Communist Party, drug cartels, and the role they play in fueling the influx of deadly fentanyl and human smuggling into the United States.

[T]he overdose deaths they’ve seen in their county are primarily due to fentanyl. Again, the Chinese Communist Party’s fingerprints are on every one of these deaths. These deaths are happening here in Tennessee, though, because of what’s happening on our Southern border. And over the past three days, we spent time with Border Patrol agents and watched what they were encountering.

They’re sure that they’re literally overwhelmed with what’s happening there. They have the capacity to process perhaps 5,000 people. They’re now processing 7,000 to 8,000 people. If President Biden lifts Title 42 on the 23rd May.

They’re going to be overwhelmed with perhaps 17,000, 18,000 people a day. What’s happening is our Border Patrol agents are completely consumed with processing paperwork for those people who come across the border and turn themselves in.

What that does is it opens a hole for the drug cartels to ship more fentanyl, more high-value aliens, as they call them. These are people on terrorist watch lists. They’re sending people across that border.

We have no idea who they are. In fact, we’ve apprehended 157 different nationalities at our Southern border just this past year. There are only 195 countries recognized by the United Nations. This is a national security disaster of epic proportions, and the Biden administration will do nothing about it.

“In fact,” he said, “they’re making it worse. What the Biden administration wants to do is just process more people who are coming here illegally. They want to create more incentives for illegal immigration into America and in doing so, they’re essentially partnering with the drug cartels and the Chinese Communist Party who are profiting immensely from this.”

The senator related a frank exchange between former President Trump and China President Xi while serving in the White House.

“I was on the phone with the senior White House staff the night that President Xi and President Trump met at the G20 in Buenos Aires,” he said.

“President Trump was very direct with President Xi. He told President Xi to stop sending fentanyl to America. President Xi agreed to that term, but he never agreed to stop sending it to Mexico.”

Hagerty compared the tragic news of a mass grave of 300 bodies found near Kyiv in Ukraine with the climbing loss of American lives from fentanyl smuggled across the southern border.

“Everyone around the world is disturbed by this,” he said. “But if you think about the number of deaths that we have here in America, that’s one night of overdoses here in America, thanks to the border calamity that President Biden has created, yet no one is talking about that.”

Hagerty pressed:

These are our kids that are being killed. This is a war that’s being waged on the youth of America by the Chinese Communist Party, working in concert with the drug cartels in Mexico.

And you know who’s been the biggest player in this game?

Our President, Joe Biden.

The former diplomat said that one of the border patrol agents told him, “[The] the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican drug cartels, these billion-dollar enterprises are making billions off of the drug trade that’s been facilitated over these past 14 or 15 months.”

He said, “Their employee of the year should be President Joe Biden.”

Listen to Senator Hagerty’s remarks:

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Julie Carr is a regular contributor to The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Patrick Ahern contributed to this report.


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9 Thoughts to “Sen. Hagerty: Biden Is Partnering with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s Drug Cartels Against America with End to Title 42”

  1. […] U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty recently traveled to the southern border with local law enforcement. He criticized the Biden administration harshly for allowing the porous border to strain the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) with border crossers, […]

  2. […] U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty recently traveled to the southern border with local law enforcement. He criticized the Biden administration harshly for allowing the porous border to strain the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) with border crossers, […]

  3. Dave Vance

    Hagerty is right about Biden but it wasn’t long ago that Bill Lee was pushing for more trade with China for Tennessee. And Hagerty as state economic development director did a lot to expand Tennessee trade with China. Did he not know then China was bad and a threat or did he not care? Typical politician complaining about a mess he helped create. Then again he hired shariah compliant finance ( jihad with money) expert Samar Ali and defended her when sensible citizens complained. Remember his first act as an elected official was to stab Trump in the back and that without Trump’s endorsement he would not have won. This guy is well heeled scum imo.

  4. […] Sen. Hagerty: Biden Is Partnering with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s Drug Cartels A… […]

  5. william delzell

    If we used Title 42 against Ukrainian refugees, there would be hell to pay, because they are white while refugees from Central America, the Caribbean, West Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia are darker skinned. Truth be told, Title 42 is racist and classist.

  6. Paul P

    And all Haggerty will do is talk about it. No action!!! Haggerty is part of the problem.

  7. 83ragtop50

    Nothing like stating the obvious. Now, Mr. Hagerty, what are you and Blackburn going to do about it? That’s right, nothing.

  8. nicky wicks

    a country that doesnt enforce its borders is no longer a country, it is a land mass ruled by anarchy

  9. […] Sen. Hagerty: Biden Is Partnering with the Chinese Communist Party and Mexico’s Drug Cartels A… Posted on April 5, 2022April 5, 2022 By admin […]
